Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Why Do You Breastfeed?

Why Do I breastfeed?
Time and again, friends and family have said various things abt continuing/discontinuing breastfeeding. Most people think the importance I attach to it is unnecessary and Nani thinks its become a little bit of an inconvinience for her daugther. Well I have been breastfeeding till now - ( Gabdu is almost 18 months old) and now its down to 2 -3 feeds in the day ( one in morn and one in late eve) and multiple comfort feeds in the night. I know I need to get the night weaning going soon - not because I think its wrong/or right but just because I feel both me and Gabdumms as well as papa need better sleep and I think it will help to night wean and only feed her first thing in the morn and last thing in the night. But as I get the process going for weaning in general by the time she is 2 years old, I feel the need to put down reasons why I breastfeed and the reasons that don't really figure in my list of why I do breastfeed
1. The foremost reason I have been breastfeeding is not because of all the gyaan on whether it makes the IQ of the kid better or how harmful formula is but because I believe that if breasts do produce milk they must do so for a good reason and I believe that nature shows us the way. All mammals feed their kids so why not human beings2. Because it gives me alone time with my daughter cuddling and being with her. So I just love doing it.. Being a working mother this is my opportunity for some me time with my daugther. I love the way her face lights up when I am ready to feed her "Leti Leti kar ke". How can I deny her smthng that makes her feel so thrilled !
The reasons that do not really contribute to my strong inclination to breastfeed but nevertheless are good brownie pts for breastfeeding
a) Its easy- less sterilisation and less headaches of packing n bottles on a trip.b) Its quick comfort for my daughter when she is in pain or angry or just plain needing mammac) It has helped me loose my post pregnancy weight pretty quickly
Anyways I do plan to wean by 2 years for primarily my own conveniece and I do not in any way look down upon anyone who does not breastfeed, breastfeeds for longer time or for that matter shorter ... i think each mom does whats best for her kids and family and its best to leave decisions to the mommy 'cos mommy knows best


Crumbling Cookie said...

Great post, great blog.
My daughter is only 9 and 1/2 months old and I get that ques on breastfeeding all the time. Like u said, its a matter of personal choices-mommy knows best!

Itchingtowrite said...

hey u r one hell of a mamma... gabdu is a lucky kid..

Itchingtowrite said...


Anusha said...

came here thru I2W's..yep, bfing has its definite pluses and if it works for you and G, then why not!

I've been toying with the weaning thought too (at 15.5m) but don't know how or when to initiate so haven't done much with it for now.

By Deepa and Supriya said...

Blog hopped here through itchingtowrite's blog.
I always appreciate moms that continue to breast feed past the 12 month mark. I stopped at 5 months and kind of regret that in hindsight but then again we all have our reasons and to each his own! cheers!

Big Zed said...

You're brave. Kudos to you for going so long!

the mad momma said...

excellent post... my son teethed at some 3 months and i had a bad time feeding him.. yet battled on... and ppl would wonder why.. am linking up to this post of yours.. because i get tired of answering that question.