Thursday, March 23, 2006

Sleep – and how to go about that !!!

Dear Guddams:

There are ways of going to sleep … and there are ways of putting you to sleep … and the twain never meet.

It all started when you were a month old – you would sleep only at your will, only after 05:00 AM, only after feeding etc. etc.

Then you got tired of this and wanted to get some excitement – so you would sleep only on the shoulder and after some 500 sit-ups … mamma, naanu and pappa have got trim thanks to you …

Then came the next phase – lap rock … we had to shake our lap enough to strengthen the thigh muscles – and then you would sleep with the rocking …

Just when that seemed to be settling in, came the nursing-to-sleep phase. You would sleep at night lying down and nursing with mamma lying next to you. Of course, this was for night time sleeping with mamma. With pappa, it was in the form of holding in the hands, swinging around and listening to “So gaya yeh jahaan” belting out.

And now you are in a mixed phase. Sometimes, you sleep when pappa narrates a story to you. Sometimes, when you are lap rocked, and sometimes with situps … sometimes with a song and sometimes with a nursery rhyme. And sometimes, the good old nursing … no guarantee which will work and when. That is the suspense … Of course, you have once surprised mamma pappa by sleeping ON YOUR OWN!!!!! That was in a movie hall, while watching Rang De Basanti …

Any which way you go to sleep, you look hazzaaar cute when asleep …Love you, guddams …
Looking forward to more adventures on your daily trips to and fro dreamland …


Monday, March 20, 2006

Piercing Cries

Hi Gabdums ,
Mama has been pretty busy and so has not been able to write to you. However want to update you quickly on what you've been upto. Last week Nana nani were here .. so u've been having great fun. You seemed to have missed them on the day they left and over the weekend decided to scream like a banishee at the drop of a hat. The cries pierce the silence of our home and shatters any peaceful moments that we care for ... Actually not just the weekend , you've been like this from wednesday( 15th March- your first Holi with Nana Nani ). I guess the ear piercing that was done on that day made you irritable and you've decided to get back to us in this fashion( if not literal ear piercing the best you cud do is render ear piercing war cries).

Anyways .. so we think you may be teething... But then you've been teething right from birth when you decided to bite off mamas nipple and drink some blood ( is that why you've got so much strength and scream like a demoness at times ?)..So everytime you are cranky ( which you've been from your birth), we decide you are teething and you have not teethed till date .. Looks like those pearly whites are gonna surface much later than they ought to

So coming back to ear piercing , nana nani held you tight ( thank god for that -'cos I would not have dared that) to ensure the ear piercing was as quick and painless as possible but you were extremely upset because you wanted to see the guy and see whats happening and wanted to turn your head. You felt constrained and cried helplessly and we all felt we were torturing you . Nana nani were feeling like villans as they were given the task of holding you and Nani was pretty positive you wud hate her ( thankfully you did not harbour any such thots ). Almost all of us were in tears and we felt that may be we shud have waited till you grew older and given you a chance to decide on ur own. I am going to ensure that apart from smthng I strongly believe in ( sorry but I decide :)), I will not let you get forced into any tradition or custom that you do not understand. Anyways you had ur first bite of ripe banana after the ear piercing in the hope that you would find succour in food but I guess you were really upset and had to be shown toys etc to calm you down. All said and done, you are a brave girl 'cos you did not cry too long and you seem to have cried more because you felt mama papa betrayed you than because of the pain
Sorry abt that ..

Also you decided to not recognise thatha and cried everytime he tried to talk to you. Wonder why you were behaving that way. Thatha was quite upset that you were going to everyone else but crying at the mere sight of his face. Thankfully you made up with him over the weekend and he was quite happy..

Okie more later


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Accident Prone Weekend

Dearest guddamma,

As papa has mentioned , you have had an accident prone weekend .... fall from the bed and fall after fall all over when sitting and playing.... We are so glad you did not hurt yourself too badly .. and praying that bhagwanji is always kind to us .. Mama, Papa shud remember to always be thankful to bhagwanji for having you and for the protection he always gives to you and us ..

And then, as they say you need to fall to learn .. so every kid falls and eats paper ( :-)) to grow .. but then seems like you never learn from your mistakes .. do u .. I mean even after you fell off the bed, you head for the edge all the time and want to touch the floor from atop the bed. You clap your hands when you are holding on to the table and standing .. Either you have complete confidence in our reaction times to ensure you don't fall or you are like your papa( ok ..just joking .. before either of you takes offence), completely lacking common sense. How on earth can you even think of clapping when you are holding on to smthng ...

Anyways its getting to be great fun to play with u as you grow older as you are now a bundle of energy and also are constantly making conversation with us ( with your babbling) ... Both mama and papa are just waiting to get back home to play with you each day.
Also, you've become much closer to papa now.. and you are actually going to him... ( wonder why one wud do that .. but oh well .. whatever..). As I tell papa, I am just waiting for the phase when you wud just want to go to him and stay with him and cry when he moves out of ur sight etc .. its gonna be fun to watch what I experienced some time back :)) hehehehhehehhaaaaww ( evil laughter in anticipation !!)

As nani says you are the "billi ka billotana" i.e; kitten when you busily play with me when I lie down and u climb over , claw me .. eat off my tummy ( wonder what there to eat there) .. drool over me .. fall while trying to stand holding me and then sit up again and start all over ... its such a wonderful time the two of us have together ... and its a special bond we share at that time .. I just love it ... Am telling papa to videograph it sometime so that we can watch it later together :)

Okie thats it for now ...


Self praise, some falls and lots of balls

Dear Gabdu:

What is with this self-praise phenomenon. It is great you are sitting up - but do you have to clap your hands everytime you do it. I know it is a great feat ... but you are in a self-praise mode of unbelievable magnitude .. You clap hands whenever you get nto a sitting position, whether it is from lying down or from crawling or creeping or even when you fall down from a standing position! Anyway, you smile so cutely when you clap - and you clap properly with both palms open( not clenched fists). You also clap with the stacking rings in your hand !!! Summer is here and you are wearing sleeveless jablaas, girlie frocks and the works - all in all, looking hazaar cute ... Pappa is hazzaar happy to see you gamboling around when he comes back and then you show so much excitement and when I call you, you actually crawl / creep to me !!

Last weekend was a weekend of some accidents for you - sorry for that ... first of all you fell off the bed - thankfully, no harm done - scary however !!! We will now put some hazzar pillows around you when you sleep so you dont slip off .... then you fell while sitting, nicely hitting the head to the ground on your way down to Earth - you were pulling at the Ocean Wonders Hoop and lost your balance ... and finally, you ate off a bit of paper, while papa was busily putting away his camera - papa is very careless na !! sorry .... :-(

Anyway, last weekend also saw new toys - a BIG ball, inflated with a car pump ... and a bat which is as big as you but which you like banging against the floor with ... and three more nice balls ... basically enzoy !!

This week, we should be getting yours ears pierced (hopefully) so you can complete the makeover to a "girlie" look !!! So much for now, more later when papa remembers stuff ...

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Weird Playtimes and weirder games


Did you have to wake up at 5.30 Am this morning to practice sitting up and not go back to sleep till 7 am. I used to tell ur patti that its ok if she does not sleep as long as she does not cry ... but now I am not too sure dear .. I mean 5.30 Am is a wee bit early don't you think so? Oh and btw it rained this morn ...unexpectedly .. its not the monsoon time yet but then from the day you were born...the rains have lashed various parts of the country u've been to till you were 4 months old ..all unexpectedly either in terms of the time or the amount of rainfall .. So anyways , I wondered if that was the reason you woke up early .. I mean is it like babies sense some weather changes earlier than the rest of us? Or is it that I am just trying really hard to find some excuse for ur perpetually changing sleep pattern? Hmm I think its the latter combined with mommys imagination getting overactive with less sleep..
And what may I ask is so funny and exciting abt holding an object when in your pram, taking a hard look around the pram area and dropping the object carefully to a location where mama finds it the most difficult to reach or worse still dropping it into the dirtiest area of the floor? This is your latest game, (which you had discovered when you were 4 mnths old, but thankfully quickly forgotten or got bored of ...),that you've started playing since abt a week back.

And whats with putting everything into your mouth and examining it ? Do you know you can just hold it and feel it... and that taste is not the only sensory perception for an object !!
And seems like you've outgrown the taste of all your toys and ours as well ( by ours I mean our phones, remotes etc) , 'cos now you've taken to licking ( !!) the floors ... I mean this is not the subtlest ways of telling mommy to keep the floor clean !! You spot the tiniest bit of food, the tiniest speck of dust on the floor and are ready to put it in ur mouth ...Yes mommy has to keep the floors clean at ALL times !! And no slippers on the floor .. they need to go right into thr shoe rack .. Don't you think you are a bit too young to shoulder so much responsiblity !! Fitness, cleanliness .. what next ? I am dreading the next responsibility you'll take upon urselves

Anyways heres hoping that you sleep better tonite ( and so do we)


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

She Did it !!

Dear Ludlums,
This is what I told your dad when you pooped after a days gap way back when you were abt 3 months old. We never knew that poop could generate so much excitement for parents. You had not pooped for a whole day when u would normally poop like anywhere between 6 to 8 times and when you did not do "IT" the whole day it was really worrying. The doctor told us it was very normal for a baby to not pass stools for abt 5 days and it was of any concern only if they went beyond that. However, we could not bring ourselves to think that you wud be comfortable not having pooped the whole day .You seemed troubled. I am sure we imagined it because you cried all the time anyways but on that day we conveniently attributed it to you not having pooped. So as Nana Nani left for work they prayed that you would have motions and wished me all the best. I checked your nappy hopefully for even a hint of a dot everytime u became still or farted ... but no nthng happened (On any other day I would check your nappy nervously hoping "not another time please.." in the fear that I wud have to brush and wash another dirty nappy). Finally I put you down for a nap and went to have my lunch. I was away for 45 mins and you had still not cried .. It was amazing because your sleep span usually was 30 mins, so I tiptoed into the bedroom to check if everything was fine. I find you wide awake and smiling ... It was as if smthng was wrong.... so I just happened to check your nappy and wow !! guess what .. found that you had pooped ... Never understood why babies cry all the time and then smile when they are pooping (they pbbly find it funny that mommy needs to do extra laundry because of that ...). Anyways poop you did and I immediately called your papa and declared " She did it !!" and we were so happy. Later we wondered What kind of achievements of kids to parents celebrate ...There was happiness and celebration and relief the moment nana nani got back too
Amazing how the contents of the nappy of your child are so critical to us as parents. I never imagined I would be counting the number of times you piddle and poop and checking the color,odor and consistency ( yes you heard it right) of your poop and feel excited, happy, sad , concerned based on that. I mean even today when I get home I check, has she done potty.. how was it .. was it good ( ohmigod ! whats so good abt potty !!!), what was the color ..was it a good qty and so on ...
Its funny how life changes suddenly with a kid ..and things that never concerned you or crossed your mind become so critical ...
Oh and yes ... it was raining till you were abt 4 months old wherever we went ... so it eons for nappies to dry .. so guess what papa would do .. dry your nappies with the iron . Then we found ironing does not seem to remove moisture.. so we started using the hair dryer ... !!! Talk abt innovation ...
Hmm ...and Nani wud "SSSSSS" you with your feet over a dust pan to get you to potty without dirtying a nappy and you would ensure you pottied right next to it dirtying the dust pan and the floor and sometimes the walls too...I would run with you to the wash basin to get you to pee and you wud always ensure my happiness of having saved a nappy was shortlived by not emptying your bladder completely and then bringing out the residual amt on mommy or in the nappy immediately .. The rebel that you've always been !
The countless times that mommy and nana have tried to protect their shoulder with a layer of cloth to ensure their clothes don't get soiled .. you wud choose the time when we shift you from one shoulder to another to not only pee but also poop !! It was like a revenge against prevention ...:)
Anyways this is to tell you abt the most exciting bits of parenthood :)

Lo-do :)

Dear BalluRam,

Guess what ? You've figured out the give and take of life already .. so when mommy says "do( hindi of give) you handover that spongeball to her and then when mama says "lo (take) " you happily grab it from her. Its an exciting game you've just learnt and lemme tell you its equally exciting for us too. Thats the reason we keep repeating the terms and wanting you to play and I am sorry if it makes u feel like some performer ..:). But tell me smthng, why is it that you do not want to sleep even when u are really sleepy .. You keep rubbing your eyes and pulling your ears and are clearly sleepy but you always fight away sleep as if you are afraid that you will miss out on smthng if you accidentally fall asleep.And then when you wake up you cry as if you are upset abt the fact that you accidentally fell asleep :). Why is it that if there is a toy on the bed, you want to play even when u wake up accidentally in the middle of the night. I know its fun that you are an active baby and have so much curiosity .. but then you need sleep too to grow well and recharge your batteries ... and for godssake ! mama papa also need sleep :) .. I mean how do u expect us to be able to give our fullest to you if we are so sleep deprived . These days mama papa are so sleepy we don't even realise how many times you wake up in the night and which of us puts you back to sleep each time. I dunno whether its just sleepiness or the number of nightwakings making us lose count of them . We have arguments in the morning abt whether you woke up 10 or 11 times ( ok there are some times when its abt 3 or 4 times .. but thats rare) and whether you nursed at that time. We switch sides in the night based on which side I nursed you from last and at times the only proof that you woke up in odd number or even number of times is the side i began sleeping on and the side I ended up sleeping on ! Talk abt the analytics that goes into analysing your sleep pattern.
Btw papa is extremely elated because now he no longer needs to keep his access card of work or any other object to lure you in his direction. When he arrives from work these days you just do the fast Army crawl and get to him . You also follow his voice and reach the room where he is changing, and then I have to hastily pick you up before you actually see papa changing :) not that you mind or understand it :)
Mama has a relatively light work day and so is hoping to get back soon to you ... and hug you tiiiight

loads of luv

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Creepy Crawly

Dear Bandrooo,
Oh well, don't ask me why I have changed your name. I have not ... its just one of the many names ( shud I be saying pet names) we call you by ... Mama calls you guddu, guddams and also all the borrowed names that nannu calls you by ( bandroo, ballu ram ). Papa calls you gabdu ram...
Well, you've completed 7 months abt 10 days back .. and on sunday you started to sit up on ur own ( you've been sitting when we put you in sitting position since end of 6 months - but this is sitting up yourself from the crawl position .. I am sure you know the difference - it must have been much easier to be put in the sitting position :). Also the Army Crawl that you've been doing is now slowly becoming the normal crawl. You started out with creeping on ur tummy at the end of 5 months and moved to the super silent and fast Army Crawl ( the one the snipers wud do when in hiding and moving towards the enemy camp) very soon but could not go completely on ur knees while keeping ur tummy way above the ground. I guess you have ended up doing this now as you want to stand up and explore and to stand up you really need to be able to sit up first though you often come to the kneeling position, pull the collar of my kameez down ( ouch it hurts !) and want to stand ...

Its funny to watch you practice it as if you are afraid you may forget it ... but good that you've already learnt that practice makes perfect :). Papa found you trying to break the barrier of pillows( that we build around you on the bed when we leave you sleeping alone) in ur sleep ( shud we call it sleep crawling:)). Thats really scary... We are wondering whether we should start putting you on the floor at least for your naps to avoid any mishaps...
You do the crawl and when you sit up you have a proud smile of an achiever and we all clap and u smile even more broadly ...Reminds me you are a Leo who loves attention :)

Yesterday, you held the bed stead and stood up !!! It was the most amazing thing to watch .. And guess what? you went straight for the bookshelf behind ... your curiosity amazes me ...
You looking over my shoulder to find papa, don't you. This is one game you love .. moving side to side looking over mamas shoulder to find papa and then laugh out loud .. its like a modified Peekaboo. And why may I ask do you play where is papa only with papa - looking over his hand and then under his hands with the eyes of a keen detective and then finally pull his hands out from over his eyes and smile with the look of "Elementary, My Dear Watson "?

We are trying to move your bedtime to a reasonable time for kiddies .. say 9 pm or so ..but you always manage to stretch it much beyond that and the closest we've come to that and so rarely is 10.15 pm or so. But darling, you know that mama papa and you .. all the three of us sleep so much better if you sleep earlier and mama finds it much easier to handle the household tasks by waking up earlier .. so will you try and sleep as soon as you are sleepy instead of making papa do sit ups for like an hr .. I know you want us to be in shape but surely there must be some other way to do so ..?
And why may I ask do u start waving bye even if I am just saying a bye to nana nani on phone or just describing to patti how you wave bye ... :) It is so cute to see you do that .. but it does break my heart in the morning when u wave a bye to me so happily when I leave for work .. its almost as if you can manage so easily without me .. I know baby .. I need you more than you need me ...

Like I tell people who mention weaning... I dunno when I will wean you off my milk .. but I am definite its a weaning more for me than for you ...

Ok lemme sign off as I am at work and there are other pressing tasks that i need to finish quick so that I can get home to you pronto !


Dear Gabdu

Dear Gabdu,

This blog is for letters from mommy as well as papa ( may be occasionally) to you. Why do we want to do this ? Well, you are growing up fast and there are newer, more exciting things you are doing everyday and we don't want to lose any of these moments. Years later when you grow up, become independent and move on in life... we want to be able to look back fondly on all these memories .. Also I am sure when you grow up you'll have a thousand questions on when did I walk, was I always such a bad girl, were u always so mean to me and so on .. so we want to be able to have a quick reference to answer your questions :-) We want to ensure the two of us don't give you different answers to the day on which you started crawling... because I am sure if you do, you will wonder what kind of parents we are :). We also want to be able to emotionally blackmail you when you grow older and pbbly have your own kids and don't listen to our pt of view abt raising kids :)
We are also capturing tons of photos for this task :) ..
So ..hmmm .. I guess those are the primary reasons why we want to write to you regularly and update you on what you've been upto. I know right now you don't understand more than ayeee... and akkkkaaakkaaa .. but we are hoping u'll master the language soon and be able to read these letters :)

Papa and Mama