Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Creepy Crawly

Dear Bandrooo,
Oh well, don't ask me why I have changed your name. I have not ... its just one of the many names ( shud I be saying pet names) we call you by ... Mama calls you guddu, guddams and also all the borrowed names that nannu calls you by ( bandroo, ballu ram ). Papa calls you gabdu ram...
Well, you've completed 7 months abt 10 days back .. and on sunday you started to sit up on ur own ( you've been sitting when we put you in sitting position since end of 6 months - but this is sitting up yourself from the crawl position .. I am sure you know the difference - it must have been much easier to be put in the sitting position :). Also the Army Crawl that you've been doing is now slowly becoming the normal crawl. You started out with creeping on ur tummy at the end of 5 months and moved to the super silent and fast Army Crawl ( the one the snipers wud do when in hiding and moving towards the enemy camp) very soon but could not go completely on ur knees while keeping ur tummy way above the ground. I guess you have ended up doing this now as you want to stand up and explore and to stand up you really need to be able to sit up first though you often come to the kneeling position, pull the collar of my kameez down ( ouch it hurts !) and want to stand ...

Its funny to watch you practice it as if you are afraid you may forget it ... but good that you've already learnt that practice makes perfect :). Papa found you trying to break the barrier of pillows( that we build around you on the bed when we leave you sleeping alone) in ur sleep ( shud we call it sleep crawling:)). Thats really scary... We are wondering whether we should start putting you on the floor at least for your naps to avoid any mishaps...
You do the crawl and when you sit up you have a proud smile of an achiever and we all clap and u smile even more broadly ...Reminds me you are a Leo who loves attention :)

Yesterday, you held the bed stead and stood up !!! It was the most amazing thing to watch .. And guess what? you went straight for the bookshelf behind ... your curiosity amazes me ...
You looking over my shoulder to find papa, don't you. This is one game you love .. moving side to side looking over mamas shoulder to find papa and then laugh out loud .. its like a modified Peekaboo. And why may I ask do you play where is papa only with papa - looking over his hand and then under his hands with the eyes of a keen detective and then finally pull his hands out from over his eyes and smile with the look of "Elementary, My Dear Watson "?

We are trying to move your bedtime to a reasonable time for kiddies .. say 9 pm or so ..but you always manage to stretch it much beyond that and the closest we've come to that and so rarely is 10.15 pm or so. But darling, you know that mama papa and you .. all the three of us sleep so much better if you sleep earlier and mama finds it much easier to handle the household tasks by waking up earlier .. so will you try and sleep as soon as you are sleepy instead of making papa do sit ups for like an hr .. I know you want us to be in shape but surely there must be some other way to do so ..?
And why may I ask do u start waving bye even if I am just saying a bye to nana nani on phone or just describing to patti how you wave bye ... :) It is so cute to see you do that .. but it does break my heart in the morning when u wave a bye to me so happily when I leave for work .. its almost as if you can manage so easily without me .. I know baby .. I need you more than you need me ...

Like I tell people who mention weaning... I dunno when I will wean you off my milk .. but I am definite its a weaning more for me than for you ...

Ok lemme sign off as I am at work and there are other pressing tasks that i need to finish quick so that I can get home to you pronto !


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