Monday, September 04, 2006

Ganapathi Bappa Morya

Gabdumms ,

This weekends highlight was pandal hopping. We( twice you went just with pappa) visited abt 7 pandals and you enjoyed urself thoroughly seeing Ganapathiji and saying Jai each time religiously. Did I tell you that we had our own gannoji also this time ( for the very first time)that papa brought home. This means that we will be getting Gannoji home every year during Ganesh Chaturthi. Apart from this new and nice beginning, the last week ( or may be last two weeks ) have seen many more new wonderful beginnings on various counts from you. You can now feed urself tukdas of chappati if given in a plate or given in ur hand. You have learnt to get off from the bed/sofa and any other high place. You have learnt to say "Auto" for the autorickshaw. You also say Aunty very clearly now . Uncle is still "Anna" though. Papa showed you all your toys and you could call each one ( almost) by name or at least first syllable of its name. You also learnt first syllables of urs,pappas and mammas names as well as the places where nana nani and thata patti stay.
And the best new thing that u surprised mamma was with almost sleeping on ur own ! True you have not done a repeat performance on that again, but there is still a glimmer of hope that sleep and nap times will no longer be wrestling matches and exercise sessions. On Friday, ie on the Sept 1st, mamma kept patting you and singing to you as you lay next to her and you drifted into dreamland in a matter of minutes.
You are surprising mamma and pappa with newer and newer words that you learn ... these are words we have mentioned only in passing and not revised /revisited with you but u still seem to know them very well . We are still to figure out why you call the spoon "mosh" though. You love saying "car" and making mamma race up the car on the tough terrain of ur arms and legs :)
Its so much fun to watch u play with the other kiddies downstairs. You seem to have the right amt of aggression as well as friendliness :). All of you seem to want each others balls and bats and don't seem to care if someone takes away urs . Also all of you are nakalchi bandars ( copy cats) reaffirming that the monkeys and apes are top floor residents of the family tree of human beings :)
Well seems like my lunch time is running out, so I shall update u a little more some other time


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