Friday, April 28, 2006

Not too bad a deal

There are times I feel that the world is unfair when typically only mommies eat the leftovers of their children, which in your case is always almost the whole amt we start with. But then dearest mommy knows how to turn things to her advantage. And then it does not seem too bad a deal. Like when last nite papa bought icecream on ur 9th mnth bday, mommy insisted that its ur budday, we need to get one for u as well. Then I popped in a li'l bit in ur mouth while u were sleeping and then silently ate it off saying :"hmmm .. I guess I'll to have to eat whats left as usual :)"


P.S Your dad did not like this little figment of my imagination that really did not happen - in the sense that I did throw the idea but it was rejected and we got only two icecreams - so no I did not cheat you of yours .. and for ur dad - what the world without a little bit of dreaming and imagination :)

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