Friday, April 28, 2006

Not too bad a deal

There are times I feel that the world is unfair when typically only mommies eat the leftovers of their children, which in your case is always almost the whole amt we start with. But then dearest mommy knows how to turn things to her advantage. And then it does not seem too bad a deal. Like when last nite papa bought icecream on ur 9th mnth bday, mommy insisted that its ur budday, we need to get one for u as well. Then I popped in a li'l bit in ur mouth while u were sleeping and then silently ate it off saying :"hmmm .. I guess I'll to have to eat whats left as usual :)"


P.S Your dad did not like this little figment of my imagination that really did not happen - in the sense that I did throw the idea but it was rejected and we got only two icecreams - so no I did not cheat you of yours .. and for ur dad - what the world without a little bit of dreaming and imagination :)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Gold Diggers

Thank you for letting me experience the pleasure of digging someone elses nose :) and finding it as pleasurable as hunting for gold in my own :)

Monday, April 24, 2006

9 months back - in retrospect ...

Hi guddamma:

It was nine months back that you came to us.

I remember how it was - basically you should have come, by due dates etc., in 3rd week of july - but u refused to move out. Then came papa's bday - again no action; finally mama's bday - and again no action. Then we went to doc.
Doc admitted mamma that night and we waited ... mamma was given a suppository to help dilation and softening of cervix to induce birth - but not much effect.

Papa went for brekker to home, and came back - by then doc had come and wanted to meet papa. So papa met doc along with nanu; doc basically said there was no point waiting as we had waited long enuff - so best to do a caesarean as it would avoid any risk from waiting. Once he said this, we felt no point taking risk - so we agreed to the operation.

And then it happened all in a hurry. First, papa and nanu came back to tell mamma - on the way we met thatha who had also landed up; while we were telling him, the nurse came and started getting mamma ready... and u know what, we hadnt yet told mamma. Papa then rushed in and told mamma who was in a daze on what was happening.

Then, mamma was wheeled up to the operating room, while papa waited outside. Papa had already asked doctor to be allowed to be present at the time of the operation. So, doctor called papa halfway through - mamma was lying down, anaesthesised below waist but conscious and eyes closed.

Papa saw the doctors open up mamma more and more - then pick out something with a flat tong like thing- papa saw you then for the first time as your head bobbed out. Then again it went in, and then they picked you up, head out, then the body out and you were held by your feet, connected by the umbilical cord to mamma. You started crying in a sec; then doc woke up mamma and asked her to see you.
Mamma saw you, then asked whether you were boy or girl – doc said girl and took you away.

Haan, one more thing, papa clapped when he saw you come out.

Papa then went out and saw you on the weighing machine – you were bluish grey and crying like no tomorrow :-). Papa then stepped out, and told thatha who told nanu, and then they called up nani and paati and told them; then called up big paati at dadar and your mama-ji in USA, and told them.

So that was the story of your being born and coming to this world.

Love, Pappa

9 Months

Dear Gabdu,
Now you complete as many months outside mommys tummy as you spent inside cuddled up :)
I am sure its been good fun outside though it was much more safe and secure inside mommy. Actually even mommy misses the time you were inside when you were always with mommy ..not away even for a minute or a millisecond .. be it with mama walking, mama at work , mama in auto, mama in kitchen or even mama sleeping .Anyways thats besides the pt. The pt is that you have come a long way and so have we . Thank you for showing us that life is more than just working and getting back home ...Thank you for the zillion smiles you've put on our faces from the time you've arrived...Thanks for making us be parents .. its an experience we would not have known without you
Oopsie I am thanking you way too much and I think I should stop :)
Will post your 9 mnth letter from me later when at home or a little more relaxed
Happy 9th mnth budday :)

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Updates on what you've been upto

You are growing up fast and getting smarter by the day. You now point to stuff when asked where smthng is. Previously you would merely turn in that direction. You've now become much more specific :). You now know birdie and bow-bow too .. and you point and coo when you see them . That is so terribly cute and endearing.Not only are you getting specific abt showing stuff, you seem to have a mind of your own when it comes to eating your solids too.You want to eat only with us and you know exactly what you want off the plate. Anything else gets thrown away and spilt if we try and force feed you. I am amazed that you recognise the colors and smells of various foods so well ...I mean you insisted on going on having curds and in the middle insisted for a quick bite of kichadi. pointed to dal in between and got that. And we just could not fool you even once ..we tried sliming in kichadi with curd on the top and you shook ur head and made a grunting noise and pushed the spoon away and grunted asking for curds. You are the lord of the house now ! You are the almighty that controls all living beings in the house. You have the veto power on every single action of every single individual person in the house. Hail Hitler :) !!!
You pt in direction where you want us to head ... I mean everything is decided by U. You are your own master .. but don't you think its a wee bit too early to have this privilege ? I mean we did not get this kinda privilege till we were out of college !

Anyways now you confidently hold the centre table and stand so there is no way we can eat without feeding you whatever we are eating else you wud resort to much more destructive means like attacking the plates directly and making a mess !!

Dearest .. you are growing fast and everyday u are a newer person I find difficult to catch up with ! And no .. I don't mean slow down but how I wish I could enjoy every minute fully and be able to relive all these moments at a slower pace again and again ..

After your fall mama feels u have grown up even more . Suddenly you seem much more mature . guess its mamas guilt that making her feel that way ...

Anyways more on u over the weekend
Will ask papa to write more often too


No Confidence to handle you guddu

Guddams seems quite ok in terms of her bahviour and movements etc but I am still shit scared ..
The scene keeps replaying in my head and I am unable to come to terms with the fact that she fell in a split second and before I could react she was on the floor screaming. Those first few minutes were like complete hell that day.
Mama is extremely sorry for being careless. I mean how could I let u stand without my arms around you to hold you in case you leaned or lost balance ...
Also guddu, I really wish you would be a little more careful.
Of course I would not want you to be not as active as you are ...
I mean actually sorry .. you are fine ..just the way you are
Mama just needs to be more careful thats it...
Okie will post pleasanter stuff on what masti you have been upto in my next post

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Fall ...

Dear God,
Gabdu had a fall last evening because of my carelessness. She stood holding the bedstead and toppled over when she lifted her leg. She has got a bump on her head and also a scar with blood. I am very very scared. I pray to you that all be ok with her and let no harm come to her. If at all, let all harm come only my way.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

All the consonant sounds you make till date

Forgot to tell you but you now say bababababab, nanananana, tatatatata, mamama ( of course this is the least of the mentioned consonant sounds !! )
We now waiting for you to address us as papa and mama

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Week of bonding and of many other events

Started writing this on April 2nd
Dear Gabdu,
Have been quite busy and hence unable to update you on what u've been upto. Well you've had a wonderful time with papa the whole of last week and with nanu on weekend b4 that.
So lemme start with last weekend. Nanu arrived on 22nd of March for an official trip to mumbai ( pbbly his last official trip as he retired on 31st March ). We had all gone to pick him up at the airport and guess what ? As usual the flight was delayed. You loved the crowded airport arrival area where there were like a zillion people almost standing one on top of another thanks to the renovation work on at the airport. Anyways so you were quite amazed looking at the ocean of people at the airport. You smiled benovelently at folks who were not even looking at you. That was pbbly when you showed the first signs of getting over your stranger anxiety ( ok if not completely .. at least to a certain extent).Also this was the first time you took to performing if I may say so .. 'cos everytime after that we've observed that in malls and anywhere outside, you smile and clap and wave and attract loads of attention .. people find u cute and want to pick you up and we hear wishpers of - "how cute" .. going around. And the moment we step out of these "public" places to get back into the car, you start screaming as if u are not being fed and are being tortured. Papa likes to shield you from the evil eye and picks you up and takes u away from the stares when you start attracting attention.
Anyways so back to the pt when Nannu came visiting... well lots of developments happened
a) You did not cry ( no hint of even a whimper) when nanu took you half asleep as soon as he arrived at the airport
b) We thot a) above was because you were sleepy. So just to prove us wrong you woke up in between and nannu put you back to sleep with situps at the airport..Then when we were getting back home you woke up and peacefully played in the car with nanu .. What is it that clicked between you and nanu I wonder...
c) You looked up at the fan when nannu asked you where is fan . Also this is the first time you actually recognised who is nannu and who is papa by turning to them when asked "papa kahan hain" and nannu kahan hain. Of course when asked where mumma was you drew a blank :).
d) you laughed and played like crazy crawling from papa to nannu and back for abt 1 hr in the evening
e) you stood up at the bedstead and also walked 2-3 steps to reach nannu
f) Hmm .. you had an infection in the ear :( and we all went to the doc and he asked us " I don't know why people harass the child" and he warned us that we may need to use antibiotics for the infection :( Sorry darling but we should have waited for you to grow up and decide when to pierce your ears.
g)As if this was not enuff, when nanu left mama tried some of your old jhablas on you and one of them had some lose threads which got caught in your earring and you screamed in pain. Idiotic mummy did not remove the dress and change you and so it got caught again and you screamed in pain again and also had some blood around the ear piercing area. :( sorry abt this
Your patti was away to attend your meena atthais marriage ( hopefully you will meet her sometime soon ..) so papa took the entire week to take care of you. So monday to wednesday he took care of every little cry and need of yours. In the process he got to see the real you closely and is now even more in love with his daughter .. Also you got to play with papa full time and freak out with him and now you are real close to papa. I will be copying papas senti letter to you from his diary soon to this place
Anyways the other big thing that happened was the entire pani puri plate fell on you and the contents spread on ur face hands , legs and all over your body :( in the mall. Mama ran to the washroom and literally bathed you and then as I had not carried a towel or cloth with me to the restroom, I wiped you with my dupatta. Thank God nothing entered your eyes. Thanks to the maids in the restroom who made you laugh as u were shaking from the shock of everything having fallen over you. It seemed to papa and mama that it was deifinitely the evil eye at work because u were the cynosure of all eyes at the mall and all of us were enjoying ourselves thoroughly till this incident happened
Btw its like the 13th of April as I complete this letter and you caught a bad throat infection last week and had fever too. Dunno if this was due to the incident in the mall...
Anyways you are much better now. You chatter non stop and are comfortably able to pull urselves up at the cane sofa and take steps.Also u says baba when saying bye bye couple of times making me record this as first occurence of words from you
The highlight of this week is gonna be papas turkey trip and trying to potty train you.
Ok dearie.. guess this post has taken ages to write to high time to send it across to u..
