Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Well, Mamma has had so much to write but somehow never got down to writing it .. was afflicted with blogstipation I guess ( Such a nice term coined by some blogger- captures mammas state very well). So I decided to feed some fodder to my thoughts to clear the blogstipation and looks like just thinking abt it helps :-)
So mamma will hopefully go on a overdrive in the next few days and write all abt stuff that you've been upto for the past 6 months ! ( God I can't believe I have not updated stuff since then esp since so much has been happening !)


Miniyamma said...

Great to have you back! How did the weaning from breast milk go? Am curious as am struggling with the same - and would love to get some ideas.

Gabdu's Mommy said...

Hey thanks for dropping by.
Will do a post on this soon...
Went off not too badly actually quite peacefully:-)

Padma said...

glad you got rid of it. Gabdu would be glad too, for now we are enjoying your return to blogging :)

Padma said...

just told S about your blog, and he went - gee, blogstipation???? and then he goes on to say - and you're(I)going thru blogorrhea :)