Thursday, February 15, 2007

Big Boss

Could not resist putting down the kind of control freak you are and recording the kind of details you observe and make us comply with after reading this post from Madmomma . As I try to recollect all the stuff you control us on .. lemme start with the beginning of the day to the night

a) As Papa gets ready for office and wears his full-sleeved shirt while still donning his boxers, you scream papa "pnyjama" ( your term for Pants and a gabduspeak for pyjama) and cry if he delays it even by a second. Ideally you would want him to remove his home wear and don office clothes all simultaneously. You do the same as Mamma gets ready... and god forbid if Mamma decides to wear her night pyjamas below a office kurta !If you change you change all else leave it as is. Once Papa ready you start waving bye and telling him shoe and drop his bag from the deewan and tell him to take it ... And as if thats not enuff you say bye, give a flying kiss and then go ahead and bang the door on his face if his taking too long at the door and not proceeding to work ! Ditto for Mamma ... and Dupatta ! Man ! I've never seen anyone so passionate abt the dupatta .. I can not even try wearing and walking around in a salwar kameez without the dupatta on. You search thru all rooms/all clothes that you have access to /high and low and find Mammas dupatta and give it to her and make her wear it. And to add insult to injury, you say "Mamma dupatta theek se" if the dupatta is sliding off one side or is not sitting right on the shoulders esp when we in the car ! Its so annoying dear ... I mean I dunno where you've picked it from because no one in the house speaks so .. but yes I have to admit that Mamma also has such OCDs abt doing things a certain way, keeping things in the right place etc !Is the genes or is it just something that all toddlers do, I wonder ! Reading Madmommas post and comments, seems like toddlers use this as their weapon against we control-freak mommies who tell them eat this, do that, sit there, don't do that, wash your hands etc etc :))). Nani has a good laugh when she hears you control mamma .. says things come a full circle and that theres more fun to come :-)( Ah ! How I wish I had not troubled Nani so much and how wish that i wud stop doing it at least now)

b) You piddle and for some reason if we do not realise we suddenly find you running for the pocha and trying to clean it yourself !! This is your way of telling us we getting lazy. No delay allowed in such matters !

c) When Papa tries to put you to sleep you tell him "kandhe pe lo " , "Papa Uttho" "Papa Adu Godi" "Papa Bhaito" and so on in no predictable order, making him go thru rigourous exercise regimen as designed by you !

d) When Mamma tries to sing to you various rhymes and songs as she puts you to sleep .. You wud quickly change tracks in random order and insist we sing one two lines of that song before you decide you want another one !So it wud go smthng like "Brown girls Tralalala" ..and then " Ringa Ringa" and then "Namo Namo" and then suddenly "Dosai Maav Dosai .." and "Crazy Kiya Re" ... "Tic Tac Toe .. " and "Sa Sa Sare !" .. All languages /all types ... you decide the tracks are the DJ of the music that puts you to sleep !!

e) Clothes !! Oh .. don't even get me started on this ! In short for past few weeks its been exasperating !You have some idea formed in your head of matching pairs of full sleeve tees and pyjamas !( not necessarily colour coordinated but actually stuff that goes well with each other) based on what Mamma has put on for you in the past. However in the winter given the number of clothes to be washed and dried there are missing pairs very often and like every elder, i occasionally think - how does it matter - baccha kuch bhi pehen ke ja sakta hai .. Man ! What a tussle it is and needless to say we know who wins always .. YOU !! As Mamma tries to forcibly put on one leg into the pyjama you skilfully wrestle out the other one ..making it impossible to force or decide for you ...

f) If theres a deal in feeding you like "Ek Chammach Dahi .. Ek Chammach Dal.. Ek Gassa Roti " .. well who wud think a toddler wud notice as you slime in 2 gassas of roti in between in a bid to hasten the feeding process .. but no !You scream murder and purse your lips and say Mamma Dal or Dahi or whatever your favorite item is ..You can twist the terms of the deal to your liking but no one else !

g) Yesterday Nani said lets make pasta just like that in the evening and then decided against it. But well who could change things once you've heard them . You refused to have anything else and insisted Nani make pasta and Nani had to make it despite the fact that she was not very familiar with the steps !

h) You pick up tiniest particles lying around and head for the dustbin !Also if you happen to dribble milk or any food item and it dirties your dress or floor .. you tell Mamma .. " Mamma kerchief Saafi Saafi !"

Oh my god !! WHat a Control freak and dictator I have as a daughter.. so much so that we often forget who is the parent !


the mad momma said...

And heck.. this is at this age... imagine what we are in for, later in life!!!

Anonymous said...

well you do have a future DJ on your hands - a bossy one at that!

Crumbling Cookie said...

I am just beginning to feel the OCD coming on-just yesterday when Ananya saw me cleaning her toy with a wet wipe, she snatched both from me and started wiping her toy(s)herself.
Slavedrivers, that's what kids are!

Artnavy said...

WOW- we know who is the BOSS now
If anush and gabdu team up- we will end up with bad performance reviews

Itchingtowrite said...

ha ha.. makes me laugh thinking how she wud be running behind u witha dupatta ...

Padma said...

cute post, made me laugh so much. Especially the duppata and dal dahi parts :)