Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Visiting Mammas birthplace

Dear Gabdu,

Between 8th and 18th we were all at mammas birthplace. This would pbbly be our last visit to that place as nannu has retired and nanu/nani will be moving elsewhere in abt a mnths time.
You had great fun there to say the least. You perfected your cruising and also stood many times for as much as 20 seconds on your own without support. We went daily to the tsunami park where you just loved to cruise and also babble with the other babies. Basically you had a wonderful time there and also got to walk in your first pair of squeaky shoes...which you loved the first day but kept removing after the very first day from one of the feet ! So you got to walk barefoot also in the park and as we had anyways let you walk barefoot we also let you crawl there !Also you had great fun at the dining table with mamma as you were allowed to mess around as the danger of you hurting yourself at the table was minimal. Also it was very comfortable to feed you at the dining table while eating myself. You also learnt and perfected the noise the lion makes ( the sound varied depending on how tired or active you were ;-)). You learnt the following there
a) Kanghi kaise karte hain - ie how does one comb hair - and you so smartly comb your hair at the back... the stylish hair combing :)
b) Maalish kaise karte hain - You rub both your knees like a little old lady :)
c) Daant kahan hain? - You put your finger between your lips and show your teeth
d) Lion kaise karta hai and cooker kaise karta hai are the best of course ... :)

You saw a number of cows, dogs and birdies at mamas place and were particularly excited abt seeing cows when we were returning from an evening walk . After that the cow also started making sounds like the lion ( ie the sound you made for the cow :)
It was just tooo funny
You perfected playing jhhhaaank with nanu and nani .. bending to hide yourself behind the table /the walls etc ... and making a cute noise to draw attention to the fact that you were hidden or that you were out of ur hiding place :)

The best episode was you begging for your photo that was put up on the refrigerator .. you begged each of us who walked across and stood and rapped at the fridge beseeching each of us to get the photo down. Finally mamu decided enuff was enuff and said give her the photo and you crawled away at top speed with your prized possession and kept standing and giving it to each of us. Similarly you fell in love with opening and closing dolls within doll in the babushka .. and asked each of us to open each layer....

You loved cucumbers and papads at nanis place.

You slept with nanu and nani for 5 nights ! This was the first time for mamma to not sleep with you. We thot this would improve ur sleep but you woke up more than usual or at least as much as usual and as it ruined everyones sleep mama papa decided we shud start sleeping with you so that nanu/nani and mammu do not get tired !

You crawled and crawled all over the house finding either nanu or nani when I would tell you to go and find them .. "nanu ko dhoond ke ao" and you would crawl in search of nanu !

You were in love with nanis ring ... so much so that she bought you one for ur birthday. You loved wearing it and removing it!

You had a wonderful time walking a lot with support at the tsunami park

Your atthais had come down and you had a wonderful time with them and the kids. You ate lunch with atthai while playing with water in a cup ... that kept you busy while you a ate some reasonable qty of food !
You enjoyed with all ur cousins and kept everyone entertained and happy because you quickly knew how to identify each when they were called by name

You entertained them with dance too !

Hmm ... I think I have some more things to write abt the fun u had but for now will post this and edit it as I remember stuff


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